I don’t know about you, but 2021 has been intense! When all the craziness of 2020 started, we quickly saw things would never be the same. But, I don’t know if anyone could predict the massive amount of potential that stemmed from the upheaval. 2020 was a catalyst for change. 2021 began a deep purge. What will 2022 bring?

Let’s first explore what we gained access to in 2021. These patterns and programs are being challenged because they are ready to shift. If the list below resonates with you, know you are on path! I realize it can be uncomfortable, but remember, these aspects are surfacing because they are ready to be released, healed, and transformed.

Major themes surfacing:


Highlighted challenges included:

  • Living for others’ expectations without much regard for own needs.
  • Over-giving or expending more time, energy, or money than what is comfortable and leaving a deficit and living in lack.
  • Loud Inner Critic Voice that seems to be running the show and, quite honestly, just keeping everyone feeling low about themselves and plain stuck.

We can finally balance the scales when we can apply healthy boundaries within these aspects. Many have been living in extreme imbalance, and life will continue to become more and more uncomfortable in efforts to get your attention. Once you learn to translate uncomfortable experiences into something productive, you begin to tap into your potential and make profound change. 


As everything is changing, people are asked to align with what resonates with their true life path. Many have been conditioned far away from that place. It is time to re-integrate with your true Self. The aspirations you have are meant for you, but many feel they can’t reach them or are uncertain how to tap into their inner knowing. 

It may feel overwhelming to respond to life differently than you have before. We are creatures of habit and tend to slide into our defaults easily. Once you recognize how you are getting in your own way, you can more efficiently change it.

Trauma and Inner Child Wounds 

Many people experienced trauma in one way or the other growing up. Traumas range from feeling rejected by your best friend on the playground as they chose to play with another friend to deep-level abuse and everything in between. When trauma is experienced in childhood, the child-mind creates survival strategies and adaptive behaviors to feel safe at the moment. For example, if you felt rejected, you may have built walls around your heart space so that hurt does not sting as deeply. The problems arise when those protective mechanisms (i.e., heart walls) remain after the experience has ended. In other words, we can tend to hang on to our defenses because that experience ultimately made us feel unsafe, unloved, not accepted, unworthy, etc. Survival mode becomes our natural state out of default if we chronically live defensively. 

We then wonder why we have financial challenges, abundance blocks, or trouble when it comes to matters of the heart. If we chronically live in survival mode, creating what we want becomes more difficult. 

You may find you are drawing in relationships lacking in what you need or want. You may experience money challenges and never seem to have enough. You may find you feel anxious or depressed daily. You may have illnesses that never feel resolved. These states of being are not our natural state but a conditioned one. We are nudged to clear through the old ways of being and are profoundly supported in doing so right now. We need to step up and say YES to the shift.

How to Heal

Many clients come into my practice with deep trauma wounds, and what finally allows them to heal is when they drop off everything that has accumulated on top of their trauma. There sometimes can be a lot to unpack! Once people feel free from that weight, they find they can create what they want. 

The turning point of transformation is when what you want ( your conscious mind) aligns with your belief systems ( your un/subconscious minds). Until that alignment occurs, an inner conflict remains, leaving you working waaaaaay too hard. 

It is time to clear through the old, drop off the heaviness, reset your nervous system, reunite with the pieces of Self that have been fragmented off due to past trauma, and finally feel whole and live an ease-filled life. It is time to release the hijacking of your nervous system that has kept you in lack and struggle. Life does not need to be this way. 

How to Make the Most of 2022

Simply put, it is time to get in your stuff. We can no longer avoid the inner work which has been begging for our attention. It is time to head back into the wounds of the past with fresh eyes of wisdom, confidence, and curiosity and see what needs nurturing.  When we hold the wounds of the past, we also stagnate in the timeframe of that trauma. If you find your reaction to triggers is more excessive than what fits the experience, you most likely are activating the original wound from childhood. You then tend to revert back to that child self and the reactions of how a child would behave. It is time to stop allowing the wounded child to steer the direction of your life. It is time to take the keys back, allow him/her to begin to feel heard, nurtured, and loved, and step into the present moment from a healed and balanced perspective. You can do this when you know where to look.

If you would like some help in that arena, please check out ways I could support you. Head over to my private work and gain access to deeply embedded wounds through the guidance of a trained professional who can see exactly what is standing in your way of freedom, confidence, balance, and a joy-filled life. Click HERE for more info!

Or, check out my Limitless online course. If you are ready to dive into your layers and are looking for a direct course in learning to access them, Limitless is for you! This course walks you through identifying and seeing for yourself how to get out of your own way. Access it HERE!

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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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