Can You Trust Yourself?

Do you feel you can trust yourself, or do you find making decisions a nerve-racking experience?

Many people find they vacillate … a lot.

The challenge starts when you want something and are led there, only to discover fears creep up. It can be scary to know you are accepting something into your life that will somehow produce a change. 

I was talking to a woman I met yesterday named Ashley, who shared that she has not dated in 5 years after having a toxic relationship experience.  She said that she wants to date but is terrified about reliving the pain she suffered in her last relationship. Her entire system is charged with locating ANY red flags, so she can bolt if she sees any. And she does! 

She shared that she has been meeting what seems to be good guys, but the relationships are short-lived because her fears are so loud, and she ends up pushing them away. She has concluded that she would rather be single and know exactly what to expect rather than chance it. 

This seems to be a common theme for people who have been in severely toxic relationships. I have lived through them and can identify with all the fears that surface.

So what do we do to resolve these repetitions? 

A system kicks in as a protective measure when we experience pain. It serves as a reminder not to do something again and is placed there to keep us safe from the current threat. But, our beautifully crafted minds love to see patterns and want to make sense of things, so we attach what we think we know to new experiences. We set up our current experiences to match our past ones. 

This can serve us or become detrimental depending on where you are in your healing journey.

If the wound is still fresh, or at least still active, we will be in a hyper-vigilant state and identify benign things as potential threats. This keeps us just plain stuck. The magic happens when we heal through the old wounds and apply discernment to the current situation.

But, after experiencing hardship, we can feel as if we cannot trust ourselves because we did choose that situation after all. 

If you found yourself in a similar situation to my new friend Ashley and are now doubting your ability to make good choices for yourself, you are not alone. And better yet, you do not need to stay there. 

The subconscious mind and your nervous system are working overtime! It. Is. Exhausting. 

Want to know the good news? When you go through a hard life lesson, as long as you extract the lessons, you will not need to repeat that experience. It is time to stop fearing the past repeating itself and tap into your Higher Self, your true intuition (vs. fears and the Ego mind), and your most incredible gift = discernment.  

I would love to help you move past your past and align with a better and brighter future. I am offering you an opportunity to do that. But, you need to trust yourself and where you feel led at a deeper level and stop listening to the fears that surface when you do something new. 

I think this is your time to:

  • Allow in deep love and a balanced partnership so you can finally feel your true worth
  • Align with the financial freedom that you know is meant for you and be able to drop off the old and outdated programs of lack. 
  • Drop off the fear of not being perfect and step into a new space where you can be free to be a novice and learn to trust that you will be ok there. 
  • Learn to trust what compels your soul and stunt the Ego mind and all the reasons why you should stay comfortably uncomfortable. 
  • Do something that will assist you on your evolutionary path so you can let go of the baggage of the past and see the present for what it actually is. 
  • Learn to love yourself at a deeper level knowing your reality will always reflect how you treat yourself. 

I would love to offer you a space in my Elevate Group Coaching Program. My mission here is to help uplift as many as I can, and my intentions are to help you move into a much lighter reality and learn to maintain it for yourself. I have tools that I would love to share with you because I know I can help you. But, you need to be able to show up for yourself and trust what sparks that resonance within you.

All you have to do is take that first step. I’ve got you from there!
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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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