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I wanted to address some concepts that are relevant in the current times but seem to be vastly misunderstood. Many people are stepping onto their spiritual paths. They are speaking the lingo, attending yoga, attempting meditation, and are following certain gurus and guides. Those actions can be very beneficial, however, people may be missing an important point – Identifying and embodying their own independent, individual, and authentic sense of Self. The point of spirituality is to understand Self at your deepest layers. If you are not doing that piece of things, you are missing the most beautiful part.

True spirituality is the connection to Self and all that is. It is being authentically you no matter what.

  • It is feeling your feelings and expressing them in healthy ways.
  • It is loving others no matter how deeply they are in their own way.
  • It is honoring others in their timing and not attempting to control them or their outcome.
  • It is releasing expectations of others and not holding them to an outdated program because it once was that way, or you think it serves you in some way.
  • It is recognizing your shadow parts, taking responsibility for them and your healing process.
  • It is not projecting your fears on others as you battle through your shadows.
  • It is taking responsibility for your feelings and your life.
  • It is forgiving Self and others, knowing that all of life and its experiences are just practice.
  • It is remembering that each person in your life is here to serve a purpose, and sometimes they carry hard lessons with them, but that is for your highest good.
  • It is owning the truth of who you are and embodying it.
  • It is releasing toxic relationships with those who are not moving forward on their paths in which you have become collateral damage to their lack of inner work.



Within this journey of finding ourselves, many people are using the word sovereignty. However, I see that concept being very misused. While it has different versions, sovereignty by definition means to have full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or agencies. I have been witnessing people using that as a right to walk over others and make demands for themselves based on “claiming their sovereignty”. First and most importantly, you have full power to live authentically. This right is not something you need to fight to maintain. If you find yourself feeling like you need to make demands or fight for this, you have not yet actually claimed anything for yourself. You are still living in the illusion that Ego created that you are weak, and you need to bully others into getting your needs met. This is not the truth. But, this is something that needs attention from within to resolve more completely. Another aspect I have been witnessing is people that are Egoically claiming their sovereignty seem to have forgotten that others also have the right to their own sovereignty. Check yourselves and see how much you are attempting to manipulate others from their rights in attempts to meet your own. When done right, everyone will be honored.


Divinity is defined as the state or quality of being divine. If you genuinely want to honor your sense of divinity, can you live authentically in that way?

What does that mean? To me, it means:

  • To honor each person no matter where they are on their path
  • To honor Self in all of life’s challenges and offer love through the lessons
  • To unconditionally love others
  • To hold sacred what is divine within you, and not compromise that for anyone or anything
  • To release the judgment of others, as you cannot possibly understand the struggles on their journey
  • To release judgment of Self
  • To offer compassion and kindness
  • To live in your truth and authenticity
  • To honor your needs and act in ways that reflect that
  • To be honest with yourself and others
  • To live with integrity
  • To forgive Self and others


These ways of being are simple, once we check our Egos. If you feel bad, angry, jealous, envious, resentful, hurt, or shutdown, look to your shadows and the Ego mind. Once you clear through the congestion that resides there, you will become free. You will be free to live authentically within your real sovereignty and divinity; not a watered down version, but one that you can feel good about and evolve into. There is nothing more liberating than living your truth. Nothing.


Are you ready to begin living it?


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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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