Unlock Your Potential: Transform Your Life with HypnoEnergetic Integration

Proven Results for Profound Change.

Introducing HypnoEnergetic Integration - the modality that saves you immense time, money, and energy on your healing journey, because we head directly into the core. 


Is this you?

  • Are you ready to clear through overwhelm, stress, and anxiety?
  • Are you done with the struggle and want to know exactly what to do to move forward?
  • Are you excited to break free from limitations and step into your power?
  • Have you been craving to reconnect with that part of you who feels confident, capable, and inspired?
  • Are you done feeling confused and stuck in procrastination?

Hypnoenergetic Integration is the key to unlocking your full potential.

This unique approach fuses the power of Hypnotherapy and Energy Healing to help you break through limitations, unleash your true potential, and live your most authentic life.

HypnoEnergetic Integration synergistically works with your entire system, ensuring a holistic approach that addresses all parts of you.

  • Reprogram Your Mind for Success

    We head directly into the subconscious mind, where your limiting beliefs have been running on default. We then effectively reprogram outdated or limiting beliefs and plant new seeds that match your vision for your life. 

  • Leave Your Past in the Past

    Imagine never cleaning out your closet since birth—you’d have countless clothes that no longer fit. This modality helps you clear out a lifetime of things you no longer need - past trauma, stuck emotions, and emotionally charged memories that no longer serve you. By freeing up this space, you can cultivate the life you truly want to create. 

  • Align With Your Purpose

    Tap into your soul's wisdom to align with your true purpose. You'll gain profound insights and guidance that will lead to lasting transformation. This alignment helps you overcome obstacles, make empowered choices, and create a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.


Not sure if this is EXACTLY what you need?

My mission is to help as many people as possible achieve life-changing transformations without spending months searching for solutions and trying countless methods without success.

Gone are the days of searching and seeking all the places that need healing before life can finally turn around. You’ll get the chance to see for yourself exactly what has been standing in the way of the life you desire and the one you know is meant for you.

The result? You gain the ability to drop off the perpetual healing spiral and see and feel your life change.

Benefits of HypnoEnergetic Integration:

  • Gain Clarity Over your Life

    Drop off overwhelm and confusion and know exactly, and in simple form, what to do next. 

  • Experience Deep Relaxation and Stress Relief

    Experience a profound reset of your nervous system, reminding you how to access that place more effortlessly. 

  • Lose Stubborn Weight

    Slip into your favorite clothes easily and feel incredible in your body as you drop off the real reasons you are holding extra weight. 

  • Overcome Fears and Phobias

    Clear unfounded phobias from your body and diffuse fears, especially ones that don't make sense to you.  

  • Ease Pain and Anxiety Before Medical Procedures

    Increase healing and decrease pain after procedures. 

  • Accelerate your Natural Healing

    Influence the cells in your body to create better health. Overcome chronic conditions that don't seem to have a remedy.

  • Wake Up Refreshed and Energized

    Alleviate insomnia and benefit from deep, restorative sleep that leaves you feeling revitalized and ready to tackle the day and enjoy your life.

Stop the incessant healing cycle. By working with the mind, energy body, and soul path, we facilitate profound healing on all levels - saving immense time and effort.

After each session, you'll walk away feeling deeply relaxed, empowered, crystal clear about your direction, and ready to embrace positive change.

Did you know?

Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D., shared findings in the journal "Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice" and American Health magazine, revealing recovery rates for various therapies.

Dr. Barrios noted that after 600 Psychoanalysis sessions, clients showed a 38% improvement.

They showed a 72% improvement after an average of 22 sessions of Behavior Therapy.

The success rate for Hypnotherapy was 93% after an average of 6 sessions. 

Even better, combining hypnosis with energy healing enhances stability, paving the way for more comprehensive healing.

Is HypnoEnergetic Integration Right For You?

This is right for you if:

You are open to exploring the power of your subconscious mind.

You seek holistic solutions for personal growth and transformation.

You are ready to take charge of your life and create positive change from within.

This is not right for you if:

You are not willing to commit to the process of inner healing and transformation.

You are looking for a quick fix without addressing underlying issues.

You have a history of severe mental health disorders and are not currently under the care of a qualified mental health professional.

Online Appointments:

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Intro Session - $345

Includes a 90-minute HypnoEnergetic Integration Session and a 30-minute Follow Up Call.

In-Person Appointments in Mt Pleasant, SC

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Intro Session - $345

Includes a 90-minute HypnoEnergetic Integration Session and a 30-minute Follow Up Call.

What happens in the Intro session?

In our initial session, we’ll identify your most pressing challenge and delve deep to address its root cause. Many clients experience profound shifts during this first session.

However, it's important to remember that patterns take time to form, and achieving lasting change may require multiple sessions.

In our follow-up call, we'll discuss the shifts you've noticed since our first session and create a game plan together to fully resolve your challenges.

Working with Jean has been a transformative experience.

“She is a gifted healer, a loving coach, and the most powerful catalyst you could imagine on the path to finding your heart’s truth and your life’s purpose. She has helped in a very profound way to help me uncover and remove my self-limiting beliefs that were keeping me stuck and ultimately unhappy. It’s almost hard to understand how far I have come in the year since I started working with Jean. What I can say with absolute certainty is that I am a happier, healthier, more centered, loving, and self-aware person than I was before. I will be forever grateful for the tremendous impact Jean has had on my life. Simply put, working with her will change your life in ways you can’t begin to imagine.”

~ Katie Hover

Years of counseling and heartbreak is finally over.

“I was heartbroken, and despite years of counseling which helped me understand the challenges in my relationships, my feelings remained unresolved and painful. No matter how I tried to resolve it or ignore it, there was no relief. Working with Jean finally helped me to release the heavy emotions and pain. I have been able to heal my heart, experience pure happiness, and am excited to move onto the next phase of my life. I can’t say it enough – it is a true miracle.” 

~ MM, Mt Pleasant, SC

You are Jean’s priority, every time.

“Jean is simply amazing. As a therapist, as a coach, as a nurturer; she gives you everything you need and then some. I feel so loved and supported in her presence, and have had profound personal breakthroughs through her work. As a fellow healer, I find it challenging to find bodyworkers that have the purest intentions as well as an amazing skill set. Jean has both. You are not just another person on her schedule. You are her priority every time. And this is a special gift.”

~ Lindsay Simmons

It’s hard to put into words all that working with Jean has allowed me to create.

“Working with Jean has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve experienced in this life. Her loving guidance and intuitive wisdom have supported me through major life events, helping me to navigate the inner waters of transformation, daily life stress, and up-leveling in my career with greater ease and flow. It’s hard to put into words all that working with Jean has allowed me to create and receive, but I highly recommend her services for anyone truly ready to create the life they know they’re meant to live.”

~ Stephanie Burg, Mt Pleasant, SC

It has been amazing to experience such personal progress.

"I came to Jean finding myself with career, creative, and financial goals. While I could see the outcomes I wished to create, I found myself utterly stuck. My brain was with me, but my emotions and energy were somehow not. Jean clearly knows how to clear out that muck. Since working with her over the last six months, I have attracted and landed my dream job, this has been the most productive creative period of my life, and it has been the most financially rewarding. It has been amazing to experience such personal progress. Jean is truly gifted."

~ Keli, MA

Through Jean's guidance, I learned and reaffirmed that I am always enough and deeply connected to Source.

Coming into Jean’s work as a blank slate allowed me to gain more than I ever could have imagined. Jean is a gifted teacher, healer, and kind human, and I am so thankful our paths aligned. This work is the beginning of my journey, and I can’t wait to learn more from her. 

~ Katie Davis


Your Guide

It’s been my life’s mission to be a guiding light for others, aiding in uplifting humanity and helping others stand in their potential.

Many of us come from trauma and toxicity and do not know that a better world exists. My deepest desire is to help individuals release the burdens of their past and break free from cycles of self-imposed limitations.

As a highly empathic being and Energy Intuitive, I effortlessly experience the current reality surrounding each client. But, rather than viewing that sensitivity as a burden, I see it as a valuable tool for understanding exactly what is blocking each person's journey.

Throughout the past two and a half decades, I’ve had the incredible honor of working with clients from around the globe. In these profound interactions, I've not only witnessed what truly works but also have a pulse on the Collective Consciousness, which offers an even deeper understanding of the parts and the whole.

My path has led me to embrace the potent synergy of Energy Healing and Hypnosis. This combination offers profound insights into our inner workings and empowers clients to achieve their true potential with clarity and purpose.

My deepest intention is to extend these transformative tools to you, serving as a trusted guide on your inner exploration. You no longer need to walk this crazy path alone. I've got you.


Q & A

If you have specific questions, please reach out to Support@JeanAtman.com. We are here to help you make the best decision for YOU!