If you truly want change, you must be prepared to do things differently.

Many people want change, but do not know how to be a different version of themselves. That's where I come in.

Join me in an immersive program that will radically shift your reality and how you interact with it. My signature program will lead you to your truth and the real reasons you have been stuck. People find me when they are ready to stop "trying" and instead get to the root cause and heal that origin point. If you are done with how your life has been functioning and are ready to experience your desired life, book a call with me. 

Let's chat and get you on the most direct course to the life you know is meant for you. 


Are you ready to awaken to your true nature and badass self?

Your soul's journey and evolution are the reasons you are here. Are you making the most of it?

My purpose is to help others remember who they are beneath the trauma and old programming and to assist them in reclaiming the gifts and blessings meant for them.

Let's face it - life on this planet has not been an easy path for sensitive souls. But, it can be a more joyful one.  


Is this you?

  • You have never felt like you fit in here and tend to operate very differently than others around you. 

  • You have a high moral compass and refuse to step over anyone else to get ahead, but then find yourself struggling. 

  • You trust your feelings more than anything and have a powerful sense of knowing, but you can feel confused based on others' expectations. 

  • You crave simplicity in this chaotic world, but feel like there is always more to do.

  • Your soul feels tired, and you may have forgotten how to deeply nourish it where it matters most. 

Much can be said of what takes place within the realm of Private Sessions, but the outcome is the same – Breakthrough Awareness and Life-Changing Transformation. This awareness shows you what is working, what is not, and how to heal it.

In my signature program, we CLAIM what is meant for you.


C - Confidently embrace your true self. Shed insecurities and rediscover who you really are.

L - Let go of the past. Release not only your own baggage but also what you've carried for others. Learn to identify and let go of it all.

A - Alter your future reality. Stop being a victim of circumstance. You have the power to choose your path.

I - Integrate with your gifts. Uncover and activate the unique talents hidden by past hurts and traumas, reclaiming your true power.

M - Magnify your purpose. Stop wondering about your purpose. Clear the confusion and discover it!

By the end of our time together, you will have opened the door to profound and transformative changes in your life. Imagine releasing those outdated beliefs and heavy emotional burdens that have held you back for so long. Picture yourself healing deeply buried traumas, clearing energy blockages, and feeling a newfound sense of balance and harmony. As you uncover and let go of limiting beliefs, you’ll find a stronger, more confident version of yourself ready to emerge. Your relationships will flourish, your creativity will soar, and you’ll feel empowered to pursue your dreams with clarity and purpose. This journey is about more than just healing; it’s about rediscovering who you truly are and living a life that’s authentically yours.

It is important to work with a guide so that you can:

  • Gain clarity of the obstacles standing in your way.

    It can be difficult to see what has been hidden. Within our work together, you will gain access to exactly what is blocking you, so you can actually make the changes you crave.

  • Experience accelerated transformation and healing within our clearing work.

    We are made of energy. Your memories, thoughts, and beliefs create your energetic field. If you never clear your field, it is like carrying all the clothes you have worn since birth. Let me help you drop off what no longer fits, freeing you into an ease-filled life.

  • Know exactly where you are going and how to get there.

    No need to spend your precious time and energy trying to figure things out for yourself. Let's face it - that could take years. Let me show you where you are stuck and how to get out of your own way so you can start enjoying life!


I understand your challenges and your pain. I have been there myself and remember the pain of those struggles. I hear you and I sincerely want to help you create an easier life experience.

Throughout my 2 decades of practice, I have been fiercely committed to the process of healing all parts of Self - mind, body, and soul, and have helped thousands of others create lasting change and profound and permanent transformation.

Through my Gift of Multi-dimensional Depth Perception, I Read:

  • Your Emotional Body

    Let's tap into those stored-up emotions, the ones we haven't quite processed yet. We'll figure out where they're stuck, what's piled on top, and then set them free.

  • Your Mental Body

    We'll sift through those beliefs swirling around inside you, making sure the only ones that stay are in tune with where you want to go. By delving into your past and ancestry, we'll shed the stuff holding you back and give you back the reins of your life.

  • Your Physical Body

    Ever had those nagging symptoms that just won't budge? It's your body's way of letting you know it's holding onto something it shouldn't. Let's help it let go and get you back to feeling balanced.

  • Your Energy Body

    Your energy is a signature that encompasses every thought, feeling, memory, and experience. We'll lighten the load of past baggage, keeping only the wisdom it brought.

  • Your Spiritual Body

    We're all here to grow and learn as souls, right? I'll help you see the bigger picture, understand why you're really here, and make the most of every moment in this wild ride called life.

You no longer need to be alone on this sometimes isolating path. You no longer need to be searching in the darkness trying to see. Finally receive the guidance, clarity, and shifts you have been craving and know are meant for you.

Sound like something you are ready for?

If you find yourself feeling “Just done” with how your life has been running, and are ready to explore your best life, you are in the right place!

It is time to get clear about what is blocking you and learn how to break free!

Happy Clients

Working with Jean has been a transformative experience.

“She is a gifted healer, a loving coach, and the most powerful catalyst you could imagine on the path to finding your heart’s truth and your life’s purpose. She has helped in a very profound way to help me uncover and remove my self-limiting beliefs that were keeping me stuck and ultimately unhappy. It’s almost hard to understand how far I have come in the year since I started working with Jean. What I can say with absolute certainty is that I am a happier, healthier, more centered, loving, and self-aware person than I was before. I will be forever grateful for the tremendous impact Jean has had on my life. Simply put, working with her will change your life in ways you can’t begin to imagine.”

~ Katie Hover

Years of counseling and heartbreak is finally over.

“I was heartbroken, and despite years of counseling which helped me understand the challenges in my relationships, my feelings remained unresolved and painful. No matter how I tried to resolve it or ignore it, there was no relief. Working with Jean finally helped me to release the heavy emotions and pain. I have been able to heal my heart, experience pure happiness, and am excited to move onto the next phase of my life. I can’t say it enough – it is a true miracle.” 

~ MM, Mt Pleasant, SC

You are Jean’s priority, every time.

“Jean is simply amazing. As a therapist, as a coach, as a nurturer; she gives you everything you need and then some. I feel so loved and supported in her presence, and have had profound personal breakthroughs through her work. As a fellow healer, I find it challenging to find bodyworkers that have the purest intentions as well as an amazing skill set. Jean has both. You are not just another person on her schedule. You are her priority every time. And this is a special gift.”

~ Lindsay Simmons

It’s hard to put into words all that working with Jean has allowed me to create.

“Working with Jean has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve experienced in this life. Her loving guidance and intuitive wisdom have supported me through major life events, helping me to navigate the inner waters of transformation, daily life stress, and up-leveling in my career with greater ease and flow. It’s hard to put into words all that working with Jean has allowed me to create and receive, but I highly recommend her services for anyone truly ready to create the life they know they’re meant to live.”

~ Stephanie Burg, Mt Pleasant, SC

It has been amazing to experience such personal progress.

"I came to Jean finding myself with career, creative, and financial goals. While I could see the outcomes I wished to create, I found myself utterly stuck. My brain was with me, but my emotions and energy were somehow not. Jean clearly knows how to clear out that muck. Since working with her over the last six months, I have attracted and landed my dream job, this has been the most productive creative period of my life, and it has been the most financially rewarding. It has been amazing to experience such personal progress. Jean is truly gifted."

~ Keli, MA

"And the day came when the need to remain closed

became more painful than the risk to open."

~ Anonymous 

You can continue the path of where you have been, or you can take the leap and choose an easier one.