Women Empowerment Quotes 1

This Venus retrograde has been intense to say the least. Being retrograde in the sign of Scorpio and all things hidden has provided me with many “Holy S**t” moments throughout the month. Venus is the planet of relationships, love, value, etc. This not only concerns relationships with others, but in particular, with Self.

I have seen my shadow parts throughout my years of deep introspective work, but they currently are becoming fully illuminated in the present time. When we see these parts of ourselves, it can be painful. I will at times feel deep sadness as these parts surface knowing that I have lived in way for far too long that was not honoring of me. I always keep in mind that when we know better, we do better. Releasing these parts can elicit grief as an old part of Self dies out, but leaves space available for the new to emerge. It is like a beautiful butterfly breaking free from its neutral colored cocoon, to burst forth with its wings spread and in full vibrancy.

A very loud part that has been rearing its ugly head has been value and worth. Since I was a young girl, I have been a master at giving. I attached my value of being here with how much I could provide for others. I would never think to inconvenience others with my needs, feelings, etc. I would sacrifice anything I needed or wanted for another if it served them, and was happy to do it. But, there comes a time where the imbalance of that becomes overwhelming. That time is now. It has been a long journey even considering the idea of receiving just for the sake of it. Not only in the aspect of receiving, but even beginning at the beginning which is over giving. I know now it is time to find balance in that. As Venus continues in its retrograde in the sign of Libra, it is supported by this transit to achieve that unicorn of what we refer to as balance.

The concept of money has been surfacing and I see how the programs of the old are running. I see very successful friends fall into deep lack if one client cancels an appointment. We joke sometimes about how we will be homeless because of one cancellation. Even when we are leading abundant lives, we still look for and wait for the other shoe to drop. Why do we do that? This has been a burning question for me as I don’t know about you, but I have grown very tired of that dynamic. It is time to release this energy of lack. Permanently.

How to Take your Power Back

Money is energy, just like anything and everything else. Why does it seem to carry so much weight and stop us from doing things that we want or need to do in our lives? This paper dictates what we eat, where we travel, if we travel, etc. We define our value on how much money we have accumulated, or can spend. We devalue ourselves if we experience a loss of it. We compare ourselves to others who have more and take on the belief that they are more deserving or are better than the rest who are poverty stricken. I call bullshit. I am tired of these limitations.

It is time to claim our value and our worth. Until we do that, we will never step into a place of abundance. These old patterns that we run are worthless and keep us feeling that way. If we do not step into our alignment of receptivity, we will never find a place of flow and be able to thrive. There is a belief system in place that says we have to work hard and hate our jobs in order to make it here. Again, bullshit. Who says we can’t love what we do and thrive? It is time to change our perception of the story we tell ourselves, and instead step into our truth.

Are you an “Over-giver”?

I like to give. It is the deepest part of my nature. It is the part of me where I am most at home. I give away crystals because people need them. I give away my work, and reduced sessions for people who are in the struggle. But I too am, at times, in the struggle. I am a single mom of 2 girls. I was a stay at home mom and homeschooled when they were younger. As you can imagine, building business after I left my marriage was no easy task. I try to continue to give back where I can and expect that life will show up in other ways. But, when it didn’t, I found myself questioning the ways of the universe and if I could really trust that I am supported in this life.

I decided to take a hard look at what is working, what is not, and how to change it. I refuse to believe in the crap that “they” peddle. It is time to release the old paradigm and step into the truest sense of value.

YOU are valuable because you are HERE.

Not many can take the intensity of this place. But yet, you are here, being a rock star.


Own this as your truth. When you find yourself in the lack mentality, pull yourself out of it. The more of us that do this, the more we benefit all.

In this life, I have found that I am in the front line. I have felt that I have a machete and am clearing the path for many that will follow. I have always received information long before it is time to implement it. It was a learning curve to decipher how to time things, and was an extremely frustrating process. I have become very proficient in this and know with every fiber of my being that the time it NOW to move through these patterns.

This is not something we need to wait for. We do not need external validation to change our lives. This work all comes from within. When you live in a lack mentality, you create more lack. When you live in an abundant mindset, you create flow. The moment you change your perception is the moment you change the vibration in your body. At that moment, you change your life. The more of us to get onboard with upleveling our vibration, the more we can change the world.

Stop the lack. Believe that you are worthy of all good things, and that you are valued, important, significant, and extraordinary.

When you do, you will be.

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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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Jean Atman

Jean Atman

Jean Atman is a Soul Evolution Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist and is a leading expert on how to break free of negative life experiences - for good. She is well known in her industry as the go-to girl for helping people heal from toxic relationships and past traumas so that they can live a life filled with potential and ease. She has assisted tens of thousands of people up-level their lives in her 21-year professional career and remains fiercely dedicated to that cause. Jean believes everyone can live a life of their dreams, and she thoroughly enjoys helping them tap into that potential!

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